This is the content of the year 2017
This is the content of the year 2017
During the second quarter of 2017, Beta Cavi and Bosch Security Systems will once again be sponsors for the customary fire prevention training and awareness event. The 2017 edition of FIRE EVAC TOUR was conceived to remove any possible doubt on designing fire prevention systems but this time with the help of multimedia systems.
The idea is for users to have a unique multimedia experience by taking the professional “inside the project” in order to experience all of the design phases personally in 3D. In fact, during the speeches of the various Committee Members, the project will take form and develop step by step.
Free registration, the event has limited space and therefore registration is required
FIRE EVAC TOUR will, as usual, be sponsored by the major Orders and participants will be able to claim educational credits.
Member of UNI Working Group CEN/TC34
Technical seminar regarding proper planning of smoke detection systems and emergency voice evacuation, intended for the professional world …read more
Member of UNI Automatic fire detection systems CEN/TC72
A public communication system and voice alarm is used for public announcements, planned events, background music and, above all, to provide instructions in emergency situations …read more
Member of UNI Working Group CEN/TC34
With the latest regulatory evolutions issued the interconnection element identified until now as a simple “accessory” has taken on a central role even as early as the design phase.
Today the responsibility for correct identification of the interconnection lines is assigned to the designer already in the design phase, in fact within the construction regulation …read more